
Showing posts from August, 2020


  I I am Wanyenya, Patience, Ugandan age 13, Senior 1 at Katikamu SDA Secondary School, Gayaza branch, Secretary/member-Eagles Youth Development Initiative (EYDI)-Girls Ambassadors’ Club and my desire is to become a Doctor of Philosophy. Girls Ambassadors Club was formed after a peer learning session during COVID-19 school closure.   In one of the peer learning session we had a topic “LET US WORK TOGETHER” as it is said” One by one makes a bundle”, and   “Two heads are better than one”, And this calls for supporting each, being cooperative and working in organized series to achieve something productive. Girls working together is beneficial because enables them to acquire knowledge and different skills though sharing knowledge and experience, getting get friends who can build one’s capacity in different things.   Also promotes innovation and creativity skill because the all knowledge acquired is added to come up with one thing, creating opportunities for people to get jobs, guidan