Once upon a time, last year but one there came a dangerous killer disease called covid-19. It was said to have begun from China and to the rest of the world. It was a serious killing people without living young and the old. The disease is still there and the world is at stake because it taken away millions and millions of people COVID-19, COVID-19 What do you think you are? The virus led to lock-down of many countries likes Uganda. People lost their jobs because of COVID-19. We have got the ways of controlling you. You have an enemy called soap and sanitizer. These are the ways of controlling Washing hands with clean water and soap Wearing a face mask properly Avoiding crowded places like lodges, restaurants and bars Sanitizing with sanitizer Maintaining social distance Therefore fellow learners you need to carry with you 2 or 3 masks, hankies and walk with your own sanitizer to prevent COVID-19 and other related infections. COVID-19...