Am Namujju Shamim aged 20 years and currently volunteer at Eagles Youth Development Initiative in Busukuma Division, Wakiso District.

Unfortunately am not among the 3 groups which benefited from training at the BMZ/DSW under Eagles Youth Development initiative (EYDI) and EYDI is non-profit making organization that was founded in 2002 and registered as a community based organization.

The first group was trained on leadership, the second group Sexual Reproduction health and rights the third on entrepreneurship and business skills. After these groups were trained they came back at the office and we organized the meeting
In this meeting we agreed that those who were trained should train the club members and we were told to draw a work plan but after wards the Patron told us that DSW/BMS as set a work plan to follow;
 Life skills, Communication and Peer counseling
Growth and development, Body changes & hygiene
Menstruations, Pregnancy and Teenage pregnancy 
Entrepreneurship, Project business plan ideas
Family planning &contraceptive use Sex &Gender
Conflict management Club resolution in conflict management
Drug, Alcohol and Substance use
These improve on the socioeconomic situation, entrepreneurship, leadership as mentioned below.

After the training on life skills I gained the skills of being assertive, to create friendship and sympathetic these help me to a responsible person.

Before the training on   family planning had negative attitude on it because some people could say that it causes cervical cancer. but when I was trained I realized the truth and l learnt the types of family planning i.e. short term family planning which involves hormonal & non hormonal, long term family planning and Permanent methods of family planning So I tried to advise My friend to use family planning because of the knowledge

Through the training on leadership, recording minutes, conducting meetings, benefits of communication also cause of conflicts and after how to solve the conflicts can be through setting rules and regulations, developing communication skill among others.      
Through the training about entrepreneurship and business skills I gained skills on how to use money in order to achieve your goal, how to draw a pair wise ranking,  business plan because I was engaged in writing a business plan which was submitted to BMZ/DSW office this improves on my entrepreneur skills .

Though growth and Development I get to differentiate between Adolescent, Teenager and Young person and  I get to know that Menstrual cramps does not mean infertility and elections does not mean that one should have sex.
Through peer counseling.  I learnt about the benefits of counseling for example Restoration of hope Relief from depression, anxiety or other mental conditions, and to build personal relationships. Iearn the qualities of an effective counselor For example should be a good listener, patience, Able to keep secrets Balancing empathy and accountability among others

Before the training I have a belief that all STI are not curable but through sexually transmitted infection training I get to know that some STI are curable and others are not curable i.e. curable Candida and non curable HIV/AIDS. And through this training learnt the sexual practices that may lead to HIV/AID i.e. Prostitution, Polygamy, Unprotected sex, High sexual libido among others.

I wish thank Mr. Musoke Twahah and Madam Nakityo Christine for their endless guide to the youth and club members at large.
Thanks to DSW Uganda for support offered to our club without them we would not get search important information to guide us in our day today life.

Namujju Shamim
Eagles Youth Development Initiative


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