The inception of adolescence carries not only
changes to their bodies but also new vulnerabilities to human rights abuses, principally
in the stadia of sexuality, marriage and childbearing.
Many girls in rural areas or islands are coerced
into unwanted sex or marriage,
putting them at risk of unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortions, sexually
transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV,
and dangerous childbirth. Adolescent boys are at risk, as well. Young people both
boys and girls are unreasonably
affected by HIV.
Yet too many young people face barriers to
reproductive health information and care. Even those able to find accurate
information about their health and rights may be unable to access the services
needed to protect their health.
EYDI believes that Adolescents’ sexual and
reproductive health must be supported. This means providing access to comprehensive sexuality education; services to prevent, diagnose and treat STIs;
and counseling on family
planning though empowering them to know and exercise their rights
for example the right to delay marriage and the right to refuse unwanted sexual
Eagles Youth Development Initiative (EYDI) a
registered community based organization (Reg.No. WCBO/058/08) committed to
empowerment of the young people in Uganda. Currently EYDI is working with
Action 4Health Uganda, Wakiso District, young people
in and out of school to actively promote and protect the sexual and
reproductive health and human rights of adolescents.
EYDI continuously advocates for and supports the
efficient delivery of a holistic, youth-friendly health-care package of
services for example Universal access to accurate sexual and reproductive
health information; a range of safe and affordable contraceptive methods; Thoughtful
counselling, Quality obstetric and antenatal care for all pregnant women and
girls; and the prevention and management of sexually transmitted infections,
including HIV
16 school health clubs have been formed in Bussi
Island and Busukuma Division, Wakiso Districts; these efforts are focused to guarantee
health services and supportive programmes are available to young people who are
marginalized or hard to reach. By promoting peer to peer learning and engaging
all stakeholders at all levels to promote and advocate for Sexual Reproductive
Health Services and rights. We are towards seeing society of young people
empowered in adolescent sexual reproductive health and rights.
Therefore we call upon donors, well-wishers and
other development partners support our efforts to reach wider audience of young
people and establish Rehabilitation and Vocational Training Centre for young
mothers. The desired project Total budget is $ 100,000 US dollars.
Email: developyouth@gmail.com Phone
Call or WhatsApp: +256 782 503 231
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