Theme: "I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights” The year 2020 is a year for advancing gender equality on Bussi Island Uganda and worldwide and, as we take stock of progress made for women’s rights since the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action. It will also mark several other stimulating flashes in the gender equality drive towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals; 1,2,3,4,5,6, & 8. The International Women’s Day; this is a day on which the role and importance of women is focused on and also when mistreatment of women or violations of women’s rights are addressed. Key stakeholders emphasizes the various services it provides for women and encourage women to get a higher education and to work towards meeting important life goals. There are many women’s rights issues on the Islands of Bussi, like widespread domestic violence, sexual exploitation and abuse against women. In fact, around half of all women have suffered some form of domest...