In Uganda, Eagles Youth Development Initiative  is one of the organizations that use a gender and child centered approach to organize menstrual Hygiene Management(MHM) awareness and empowerment activities for girls as well teachers, parents and caregiver who influence positively behaviors of boys and men as well as community members in general, Through conducting peer learning session or focused group discussion to  on “What happens during menstruation, menstruation cycle, how to manage personal hygiene, understanding mood changes and how support to girls during menstruation reducing school absenteeism during this period which affects their educational outcomes.
These sessions for girls and boys are organized separately with number of participants ranging from 20-30 people per category for meaningful discussion and their after a school Health Club is formed.
We aim at making;
  • Boys and girls have a better understanding of Puberty, menstruation and mood swings associated with menstruation
  • Boys have a better understanding on how they can support and empower girls during menstruation.
  • Both girls and boys have a clear understanding of personal hygiene during menstruation.
  • 4 School Health Clubs have been formed and the schools are; Outspan, Success, Damali Nabagereka and Nabitalo Primary School in Wakiso District, Uganda; Girls are continuously sharing information on MHM, use of better hygienic practices, eating well, being self-confident and asking for help when necessary, supporting classmates to take part in school, social and religious during menstruation;
  • Boys and parents/caregivers are encouraged to educate and support girls to take care and challenge situations and encourage them to stay active during their periods.
  • Teachers do give timely and right information; create an enabling environment to discuss MHM among stakeholders. Also they provide adolescent girls and boys with information on puberty and MHM.

  • Schools especially on the Islands of Bussi, Zinga and Kachanga do not have enough toilet facilities accommodate girls, boys and teachers so they end up sharing toilet stances which make girls to stay home during menstruation period this put girls at risk of dropping out of school.
  • Many families can not afford to provide girls with sanitary towel.
  • Funds for procuring and printing behavior change education and communication materials
  • Girls are good change agents if empowered and best positioned to disseminate information on MHM to reduce on sexual exploitation and abuse during this period as they are longing to get money to buy sanitary towel.
  • Strengthening school and community safe spaces for the girls to rely for support and protection to address child marriage and teenage pregnancy as result of sexual abuse.
  • Role Models are focused on to develop life skills of girls to challenge negative gender norms and practices  that limit their right to access to education, water and sanitation facilities  within a safe and supportive environment.
Help us to reach out more girls through schools and communities based program to them empower them to address health Issues that put girls at risk of dropping out through funding and donations.

Phrimrose -EYDI staff leading a focused group discussion on MHM at Success P/Sl -Kiwenda Cell. May.2019

Girls from Success Primary School posing for photo after Focused Group Discussion facilitated by Eagles Youth Development Initiative staff . May.2019


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