
Showing posts from 2020


Eagles Youth Development Initiative conduct BI-Monthly session and one of the practical session on making paper bags was  aimed at reducing girl's vulnerability to early marriage, alcohol and drug abuse during and beyond COVID-19 using 3R's waste management approach in Busukuma Division, Wakiso District, Uganda,East Africa.  We count you on to support us to replicate this work in hard to reach areas in Uganda  


  I I am Wanyenya, Patience, Ugandan age 13, Senior 1 at Katikamu SDA Secondary School, Gayaza branch, Secretary/member-Eagles Youth Development Initiative (EYDI)-Girls Ambassadors’ Club and my desire is to become a Doctor of Philosophy. Girls Ambassadors Club was formed after a peer learning session during COVID-19 school closure.   In one of the peer learning session we had a topic “LET US WORK TOGETHER” as it is said” One by one makes a bundle”, and   “Two heads are better than one”, And this calls for supporting each, being cooperative and working in organized series to achieve something productive. Girls working together is beneficial because enables them to acquire knowledge and different skills though sharing knowledge and experience, getting get friends who can build one’s capacity in different things.   Also promotes innovation and creativity skill because the all knowledge acquired is added to come up with one thing, creating opportunities for people to get jobs, guidan


Eagles Youth Development Initiative , Action for Health Uganda and Wetalk Series Uganda and the local leaders of Busukuma held a Youth Jam. The 5th. Youth Jam transpired at Outspan Primary school in Kiwenda Village, Busukuma Sub County, Wakiso district on 31st January 2020; 60 people attended the Youth Jam of which 29 were males and 31 females under the theme: ‘Ending Rape and Defilement among youth in community or homes’ .  The Youth Jam is a safe space for young people to dialogue using community panels, edutainment, power speech, sign language themed poetry, and hard-talks on topics they choose as young people. Commitments and advocacy change actions are documented, disseminated and followed up by the young people and implementing partners.  Through this, 709,000 people were reached online using twitter with a total engagement of 2,100 people following. Contact E agles Youth Development Initiative (EYDI) Main office located 32Km Off Gayaza -Zirobwe Road,Kiwenda


In Uganda, Eagles Youth Development Initiative  is one of the organizations that use a gender and child centered approach to organize menstrual Hygiene Management(MHM) awareness and empowerment activities for girls as well teachers, parents and caregiver who influence positively behaviors of boys and men as well as community members in general, Through conducting peer learning session or focused group discussion to  on “What happens during menstruation, menstruation cycle, how to manage personal hygiene, understanding mood changes and how support to girls during menstruation reducing school absenteeism during this period which affects their educational outcomes. These sessions for girls and boys are organized separately with number of participants ranging from 20-30 people per category for meaningful discussion and their after a school Health Club is formed. We aim at making; Boys and girls have a better understanding of Puberty, menstruation and mood swings associated w


Theme: "I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights” The year 2020 is a year for advancing gender equality on Bussi Island Uganda and worldwide and, as we take stock of progress made for women’s rights since the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action. It will also mark several other stimulating flashes in the gender equality drive towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals; 1,2,3,4,5,6, & 8. The International Women’s Day; this is a day on which the role and importance of women is focused on and also when mistreatment of women or violations of women’s rights are addressed. Key stakeholders emphasizes the various services it provides for women and encourage women to get a higher education and to work towards meeting important life goals. There are many women’s rights issues on the Islands of Bussi, like widespread domestic violence, sexual exploitation and abuse against women. In fact, around half of all women have suffered some form of domest